Puppy Potty Training THE RIGHT WAY: The Schedule That Makes Everything Else A Walk In The Park (Ultimate Dog Care Book 1)
There is a right way and a wrong way to potty training your puppy. Don’t do it the wrong way – Do it the right way. I have problems with other books. There are titles like “Potty train your puppy in 7 Days”. Okay, in 7 days your puppy may get the idea but you are still going to have accidents. If you don’t your a lucky dog (pun intended). This is why I stayed away from such a title. It depends on the dog and how you, the owner, handles potty training. If this is done correctly, you will have a puppy that trusts you and all the other training you need to do will be very easy. This is because your puppy will trust you, know you will treat them properly, and never be impatient. He or she will obey your commands when it comes to loose leash walking, learning to “leave-it”, come when you call them, sit and stay, and so on. All the other obedience training will become so much easier if you take the time to do potty training correctly. Potty training is actually the first of many training experiences you will have with your puppy. Getting this first one right will set you and your puppy up for future success. This is a schedule that works. It’s not some idea that doesn’t, I’ve used it myself, so I know it works. Not only will you know how to successfully potty train your puppy, you will have a happy and loyal dog. In turn you will also learn from your puppy what true unconditional love really is. My training methods are based on positive techniques that I will teach you. This will help you and your puppy to have a wonderful and enjoyable training experience. As an honor graduate of Animal Behavior College I learned many ways to “Think Like A Dog”, and I understand how a puppy sees the world in a very simply way, unlike us humans. I hope to impart some of my knowledge on to you so this can be an enjoyable and rewarding endeavor for both of you.