Puppy Training: One-Week Super Pooch: A No-Fluff Guide To Housebreak And Train Any Dog In One-Week Or Less – Do It Once and Do It Right
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to end the frustration of puppy potty accidents? Do you want to leave your dog home alone without worrying about him/her going to the bathroom inside your home? Or do you want your puppy/dog to obey your commands, stop barking, biting and whining all through the night?How about 100% tried and tested step-by-step, literally foolproof approaches to be a matter of days away from having a fully trained dog that will obey your commands and TELL YOU when he/she needs to go potty? If so, you’ve found the right book! One-week Super Pooch is the solution to permanently housebreak Your Dog Getting a puppy is a fantastic experience but we all know puppies are not born with the knowledge that peeing or pooping on your floor or carpet is not acceptable. It is up to us, the responsible pet owner, to teach them exactly where you require them to pee and poop, Unfortunately, your dog’s not going to magically potty train them self unless you do something about it.Many people who attempt to house train their puppy/dog fail because they’re using old and ineffective house training methods like yelling and punishment, but in fact, it’s been proven that in most cases dogs don’t even know why they’re being punished.The good news is that you don’t need to use abusive, slow, and ineffective house training methods ever again. I know exactly what’s holding you back, and I can help. You’re about to learn how you can house train – potty train your puppy quickly and easily, without any frustration, yelling and punishment all in as little as 5 days. How can you achieve this In such a short time? In One-Week Super Pooch I have simplified everything that works and will show you step by step how to correctly potty train your dog in the shortest amount of time possible. I have designed this book to take anyone from absolute beginner to expert (and anywhere in between). You will not only learn how to potty train puppies, but you will also learn how to potty train grown Adult Dogs! These techniques have worked with every breed of dog, and there’s no need to make time in your schedule to do this, your dog can be properly housetrained at any time. Plus you don’t need any dog training equipment, all you need are a few treats and the powerful information within this guide. What will you discover? Essential facts that every puppy owner needs to know when bringing that bundle of furry joy home How to teach your dog to eliminate on command – Instantly Little known secrets about positive reinforcement training The biggest mistake puppy owners make techniques to quickly transform your dog’s bathroom habits As well as: How to set the rules from the beginning for long-lasting success Tips and tricks that the world’s best dog trainers use when training their dogs Leave your dog at home alone for hours without worrying How to correct any issue before it becomes a problem A complete easy to follow Step by Step guide And much, much moreThe Bottom line:You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on how to housebreak and train your puppy/dog, spend HOURS researching or… Read this simple guide that simplifies everything that I’ve learn’t in my years of dog training experience. No fluff and NONSENSE, Just clear in detail information on exactly what works GUARANTEED! What are you waiting for? Times ticking! Make today the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment for yourself and your Pooch Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!