Everything you need to train a puppyBringing home a puppy? This fun, friendly guide to puppies prepares you for this tough but terrific time. From the basics of puppy training—housebreaking, feeding, crating—to the latest on doggie day care, traveling with a puppy, and the new designer breeds, you’ll get everything you need to help your puppy grow up to be a healthy, playful, well-mannered dog.In this new edition, noted authority Sarah Hodgson offers trusted information on caring for a new puppy, including the newest dog training tools and gadgets, the best treats and dog food suppliers, and new insight into positive reinforcement training.Everything you need to start out right from day oneTrusted and proven advice from an authorityThe latest information on positive reinforcement trainingIncludes a completely new 8-page color insertIf you’re one of the lucky people getting ready to bring home a canine kid, this fun, informative guide gives you everything you need to smoothly integrate a puppy into your life and home.